
PrettyPhoto for text

Open image with prettyPhoto

[prettyPhoto type="link" link_color="#e31d3e" class="" title="" link="" gallery=""]Open image with prettyPhoto[/prettyPhoto]

prettyPhoto Button

Open image with prettyPhoto

[prettyPhoto type="button" link_color="#1daee3" class="btn_blue" title="" link="" gallery=""]Open image with prettyPhoto[/prettyPhoto]

prettyPhoto for elements:

Title Image

[prettyPhoto type="link" img="" link_color="#000000" class="" title="" link="" gallery=""]Title Image[/prettyPhoto] 

Image Gallery with prettyPhoto

Title Image Title Image Title Image
 [prettyPhoto type="link" img="" link_color="#000000" class="" title="" link="" gallery=""]Title Image[/prettyPhoto]

[prettyPhoto type="link" img="" link_color="#000000" class="" title="" link="" gallery=""]Title Image[/prettyPhoto]

[prettyPhoto type="link" img="" link_color="#000000" class="" title="" link="" gallery=""]Title Image[/prettyPhoto]

YouTube and Vimeo video in Lightbox

Title Image Title Image
[prettyPhoto type="link" img="" link_color="#000000" class="" title="" link="" gallery=""]Title Image[/prettyPhoto]
[prettyPhoto type="link" img="" link_color="#000000" class="" title="" link="" gallery=""]Title Image[/prettyPhoto]

prettyPhoto open in iframe in iframe in iframe
[prettyPhoto type="button" link_color="#000000" class="btn_blue" title="" link="" gallery=""] in iframe

[prettyPhoto type="button" link_color="#000000" class="btn_blue" title="" link="" gallery=""] in iframe